Reflecting on your time as an Esthetics student and your subsequent career, what inspired you to pursue a career in esthetics, and how has it evolved over the years?
I was inspired to get into esthetics by a friends mom who was a super successful esthetician performing skin services. I thought the idea of trying new products and doing skincare all day sounded like a dream come true. While being in school and trying out different services, my goals and aspirations changed and I am now a full time lash artist! I still love everything skin care but felt pulled into the world of lashes and I couldn’t be happier!
The field of esthetics is known for its diverse range of treatments and techniques. Can you share your favorite or most rewarding esthetic treatment to perform, and why do you find it particularly fulfilling?
My favorite esthetic treatment to perform on a client would definitely be lash extensions. The results and reactions from happy clients is so rewarding and literally never gets old. Being able to see your clients every 2-3 weeks allows you to grow a relationship with each one of them and catch up on each other’s lives. Once you get the hang of lashing it is so exciting to see your work improve and how you can create new sets that look better and better every time you create it.
Since graduating from the Esthetics program, what professional achievements or milestones have you reached in your esthetics career that you’re most proud of?
since graduating from the esthetics program I have landed an amazing job that has helped me grow my skills and clientele exponentially. I have a full loyal clientele and I’m so thankful for all of them!
Continuous learning is essential in the esthetics industry. How do you stay informed about the latest skincare trends and advancements, and how has this knowledge benefited your clients and practice?
talking with other people in the same industry as you is so beneficial for growing. There is new styles of lashes all the time and being able to try new things and learn from others is what helped me grow the fastest. I’ve learned lash maps and new sets from coworkers, Instagram pages, tik toks, etc and now I use those techniques every single day.
Estheticians often develop strong bonds with their clients. Can you share a memorable client experience or success story that illustrates the positive impact you’ve had on someone’s skin health and self-confidence?
I have a mom daughter duo who told me they loved my work and both got lash extensions for the first time right before the daughters wedding! Seeing them both light up after seeing their results and booking fills leading up to the wedding feels so rewarding!